sony 电子相框,经典黑色相框,十分好看。出门拍几张照片,或者去欧洲旅游回来了,那么多漂亮的照片可要利用上。把这个相框摆在桌子旁,就可以一直看拉。 去年圣诞在highcross的sony专卖买的, 平时69.99 做活动59磅买的,几乎全新,支持sd卡,相机照完相直接把卡插进去就可以播放了。 这个算是sony相框的中低端相框了吧,再好点的都是99磅或者100多,不过作为学生来说足够了。 sold
ACCA各种正版2013年图书,请大家看好了跟我具体预定,不要笼统的告诉我要预定。。。。。。谢谢 sold
QQ 411321837
作者: hohoho 时间: 2013-8-23 05:04
I would like to have the Sony photo frame. Sorry I don't have qq account. How can I contact you and where can it be picked up from?作者: allanzhang 时间: 2013-8-23 09:42
Hi, thanks for your enquiry. I can bring the photo frame to University of Leicester. Do u have a Wechat account? We can contact there:)作者: hohoho 时间: 2013-8-23 10:11
No, I don't do wechat either. My house is near DMU, post code LE2 7DF, any chance you will go near there? Or if you live in student hall, I can come to pick it up. Please send a text to my mobile 07887766870 (English only please). Many thanks作者: allanzhang 时间: 2013-8-26 14:31