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标题: 最近消息:英国内政部学生签及PSW签证走向正式公布 [打印本页]

作者: admin    时间: 2011-3-22 18:17     标题: 最近消息:英国内政部学生签及PSW签证走向正式公布

[来源 英国内政部 3月22日]

http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.u ... ch/54-student-visas

http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.u ... -student-policy.pdf


(1) 2011年4月起,所有的sponsor都需要成为Highly  Trusted sponsor才可以招收海外学生
(2) 学生读学位课程的英语要求提高到 upper intermediate' (B2)
(3) 没有英语能力的学生将无法进入英国学习
(4) 在英国读公立大学或者政府赞助的学生将可以继续课外打工,但所有的其他类型学校(私立学校etc)的学生将无法打工。此外,所有学生在校园外实习兼职将受到限制。
(5) 只有硕士生(含硕士以上)和政府赞助的学生才可以带家属来英国(现阶段所有长课程学生都可以带家属)
(6) 英国留学生只能读总共不超过3年的低课程,5年的高等教育课程,这意味着只靠学生签凑满10年永久居住权的路已经被堵死(除非继续就读PhD)
(7) PSW将被关闭(从2012年4月),只有拿到英国job offer的毕业生才可以转到Tier 2工作签,留在英国工作

The main changes are as follows:

    * From April 2012, any institution wanting to sponsor students will need to be classed as a Highly Trusted sponsor, and will need to become accredited by a statutory education inspection body by the end of 2012. The current system does not require this, and has allowed too many poor-quality colleges to become sponsors.
    * Students coming to study at degree level will need to speak English at an 'upper intermediate' (B2) level, rather than the current 'lower intermediate' (B1) requirement.
    * UK Border Agency staff will be able to refuse entry to students who cannot speak English without an interpreter, and who therefore clearly do not meet the minimum standard.
    * Students at universities and publicly funded further education colleges will retain their current work rights, but all other students will have no right to work. We will place restrictions on work placements in courses outside universities.
    * Only postgraduate students at universities and government-sponsored students will be able to bring their dependants. At the moment, all students on longer courses can bring their dependants.
    * We will limit the overall time that can be spent on a student visa to 3 years at lower levels (as it is now) and 5 years at higher levels. At present, there is no time limit for study at or above degree level.
    * We will close the Tier 1 (Post-study work) route, which allows students 2 years to seek employment after their course ends. Only graduates who have an offer of a skilled job from a sponsoring employer under Tier 2 of the points-based system will be able to stay to work.
作者: bill    时间: 2011-3-23 09:44     标题: 英国严限留学生签证 国际学生数量将减少1/4

中新社伦敦3月22日电(记者 魏群)英国内政大臣特丽萨•梅22日公布了英国政府有关留学生签证的最新修改措施细则,其中提出将严格限制留学生签证,政府预计这将使国际学生数量减少四分之一。


减少留学生数量的举措之一是进一步提高对英语水平的要求,移民局工作人员有权拒绝没有达到课程所需相应英语水平的学生入境;其二是严格治理 “假冒学校”,目前已经有64所具有招收海外学生资格的学校,因各种问题而被取消资质。




(本文来源:中国新闻网 )

[ 本帖最后由 bill 于 2011-3-23 14:04 编辑 ]
作者: bill    时间: 2011-3-23 14:04


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